Meet the young photographer and her color inspired photo-series
Growing up 30-year-old Lamya Al Hashmi did not have a particular int erest in photography. Even after graduating from high school and entering the photography program at The University of Technology and Applied Sciences. Her love of photography didn’t really start until she came across random photography equipment in her home.
“ I was surprised to learn that we had a professional camera and a photographer in our home,” said Lamya.
“It turned out to be my father.”
“ I used to see pictures in our house and just thought they were regular photos. Until I found out that he had a passion for photography, and I found out why I had the same passion for photography as well."
Lamya gradually found joy in photography. She spent the majority of her time taking photographs with her father.
“We would go out together, and he would look at me with a look that said, “you want to take pictures, right?"
“It really helped me find a harmony between my father and me.”
Soon after graduating from her photography program, she accepted a job as a videographer at the Ministry of Information.
Photo Series: I Hear Colors
In her upcoming photo series, Al Hashmi shares with the world a series of flamboyant photographs that showcase her love of color.
“ I am very interested in the ways colors affect us overall. How they affect our moods, feelings, and emotions.”
The title of the project, I Hear Colors, is a metaphor to emphasize how colors are interconnected with other senses.
“ I think we can all hear colors. For example, the sea is blue, whenever I see blue I can hear the sounds of the ocean. Hence whenever I see the color blue I feel relaxed”
The photographer also hopes that the project can encourage and inspire people to use color in their daily lives.
“Why do we resort to things like shopping to improve our moods, when something as simple as painting with watercolors can have the same effect”
Adding that art can have a therapeutic impact.
“ It can be window to the subconscious, and a form of release”
“ I really hope that people will consider it”
The photography process
Lamya credits anything and everything as the inspiration behind her photographs.
“Sometimes I see a certain color, and I am intrigued about how it might look in comparison to another color”.
She then experiments with other various color mediums, such as chalk, pastels, makeup, or even coal to obtain her desired results. The photographer rarely uses Photoshop.
“I do not like it. I love putting effort into my work. Besides, Photoshop does not allow you to touch the colors themselves. There is no texture. When I am painting my models,I am using my hands and I love it!”
The photographer shared that she had to resort to mixing crushed coals with Vaseline to color the faces of one of he models.
"I love seeing my hands dirty, but I have to apologize to my models for putting their skin through so much" she said jokingly.
I Hear Colors
Misconceptions about photography
A big misconception people have about being a photographer is that it is just a click of a button, shared Lamya.
However, she argues that there is much much more that goes into it.
“People only see the results, however they do not know the entire process that went into taking the picture”.
“ I can take up to 200 pictures and only end up using 2.”
“Sometimes they say that photography is a normal job, anyone can be a photographer. However, there is a huge difference between amateurs, hobbyists and professionals.
“ What’s really important is the person behind the lenses. Everyone has a unique eye. We can take pictures of the same subjects and come up with different pictures.”
Al Hashmi is keen on sharing her art with the world.
“ I hope to participate in local and global exhibitions soon”
She is also keen on developing her skills, despite her current experience, by participating in more workshops and courses.
You can currently view her photo-series on our website or by visiting our Instagram page.
To contact Lamya Al Hashmi you can email her at